Articles of the Association

Below is the English version of ISLA’s statutes. The bilingual document including also the German “Vereinssatzung” which is legally binding is avalailable as PDF. To download the file, please click here or the page previews above.

§ 1   Name and Domicile

The Association bears the name International Service Logistics Association, abbreviated to ISLA. It is situated in Munich and listed in the Register of Associations. It bears the suffix “e.V.” [eingetragener Verein] (registered association).

§ 2   Purpose of the Association
  1. As a neutral platform the ISLA pursues the following objectives:
    a) To establish an understanding of the importance of service and spare parts logistics in the economic, scientific and public domain.
    b) Promotion of vocational and further training as well as exchange of experience and ideas on an international level, in all areas of service and spare parts logistics.
    c) To provide members with all the latest research, in theory and practice, which serve the optimization of service logistic processes.
  2. The objectives of the association will be realized by initiating and transferring theoretical and practical, trend-setting findings in the field of service logistics, in particular, by the publishing of a members’ journal and relevant monographs, in addition to hosting symposiums and other events which are open to the public.
§ 3   Internationality
  1. The ISLA is an international organisation open to people and organisations of every nationality. The ISLA should be a forum in particular for globally operative, highly skilled and executive personnel in the service logistic area.
  2. The Association produces, to a large extent, English publications, and the conference language at the internationally attended Association meetings is English.
  3. An English version of the Articles is provided by the Executive Board. In cases of doubt or misunderstanding, the German version is legally binding
§ 4   Fiscal Year

The financial year is the calendar year.

§ 5   Membership
  1. Membership to the ISLA may be acquired by any natural person or legal entity of private or public law, who are concerned with service logistics in the context of science or business, in addition to supporting the objectives of the Association.
  2. The Executive Board decides on the admission of members on the basis of a written application. In the event of refusal, the applicant may appeal, in writing, within one month of formal notification. The decision on the appeal will be made by the participants of the next official general meeting.
  3. Grounds for Termination of Membership:
    a) Resignation in writing to the Executive Board. Resignation is only permitted at the end of the financial year, providing that 6 weeks notice has been given.
    b) On the death of the individual member. In the case of legal entities or commercial companies, as a result of liquidation or insolvency proceedings.
    c) Expulsion from the Association
  4. A member can be expelled when their conduct greatly violates the interests of the Association or, despite two written reminders, does not pay the membership fees. The expulsion is effected by a resolution of the Executive Board. Before expulsion the member concerned must be heard, either personally or in writing. The decision and reasons to expel must be justified in writing and proof of service obtained. The member may appeal to the Executive Board, in writing, within one month of formal notification of expulsion. In the event of no appeal being made, the initial decision of the Executive Board is final and irrevocable.
  5. Termination of membership does not affect the obligation to pay annual fees for the entire period of membership, and under no circumstances before expiration of the notice period.
§ 6   Membership Fees

ISLA members are obliged to pay annual fees; the Annual General Meeting of the members will determine the amount due in advance. The stipulated fees are considered to be the minimum contribution.

§ 7   Bodies of the Association

The Executive Bodies of the ISLA are:

  1. The Executive Board
  2. The General Meeting of Members
§ 8   Executive Board
  1. The Executive Board comprises of at least three members. The Association will be represented judicially and extra judicially by two of the Board members according to §26 BGB (German Civil Code). All Board members have equal rights. For representational purposes, the Executive Board may elect a Chairperson from its midst.
  2. The Executive Board is responsible for the planning, realization and monitoring of tasks, in accordance with the Articles of Association, in addition to the operational business, execution of the AGM’s resolutions and the administration of assets.
  3. The Executive Board is elected by the Annual General Meeting (AGM) for a period of 2 years. The Executive Board holds office until a new Board is elected. Should a member of the Board relinquish his or her position during a term of office, the Board will elect a replacement for the remainder of this period.
§ 9   General Meetings of the Membership
  1. The General Meeting of Members (GMM) comprises of all Association members.
  2. The GMM shall be convened at least every two years. Notification will be issued four weeks in advance, including agenda, time and place. Application for additions to the agenda must be made in writing to the Executive Board at least 14 days prior to the planned GMM.
  3. The agenda of the GMM must include:
    a) Approval of budget for the year ahead.
    b) Receipt of the Executive Board’s statement of account and its discharge.
    c) Election of the Executive Board and confirmation of the Advisory Board.
    d) Determination of membership fees.
    e) Resolutions in respect of amendments to the Articles and dissolution of the Association.
    f) Resolutions by the Executive Board in respect of a member’s appeal against expulsion.
  4. The GMM is led by the Chairperson of the Executive Board, or, in his/her absence another member of the Executive Board. Resolutions are permissible regardless of the number of members in attendance.
  5. Resolutions concerning the dissolution of the Association can only take place if at least half of all members are present or represented in the GMM. In the event of a quorum not being present, a new Meeting must be called within six months, and regardless of the number of members present, the dissolution can be effected.
  6. Extraordinary General Meetings may be called at any time at the request of the Executive Board. The Board is obliged to call such a Meeting at the written request of at least one tenth of Association members.
  7. Minutes of each GMM are to be taken, which shall contain the resolutions discussed. The protocol is to be signed by the respective clerk as well as the GMM Chairperson.
§ 10   Advisory Board
  1. The Executive Board can appoint an Advisory Board, which supports the work of the Executive Board and advises it, in particular, on scientific and Association related questions.
  2. The Advisory Board comprises of a minimum of two and a maximum of eight members. The members appointed by the Executive Board are confirmed by the General Meeting for a period of two years. Renewed appointment is permissible.
  3. Members of the Advisory Board can resign from office at any time once a written explanation has been received by the Executive Board.
§ 11   Dissolution of the Association and Assignment of the Association’s Property

In the event of dissolution of the Association, any remaining assets shall be disposed of as determined by the General Meeting of Members.

Our members

Bucher Emhart Glass
Domino Printing
Gerhard Schubert
Kanadevia Inova
Siemens Healthineers
Manitou Group
Plasser & Theurer
Siemens Gamesa
BHS Corrugated
Carousel Logistics
Applied Materials
GF Machining Solutions
thyssenkrupp Polysius
Burckhardt Compression
Koenig & Bauer
TK Elevator
Kverneland Group
Dürr Group
Katoen Natie